
The Challenge

The task that you are working on will be to enable your robot to identify a fedora on the floor. Your robot should drive towards the fedora and stop shortly before it.

The basic flow for your app will be:

  • retrieving an image

  • sending it to the object detection service

  • analyzing the results

    • detected class

    • confidence score

    • coordinates of the bounding boxes in your camera image

  • working with the result to determine where the robot should move to next

MVP (Minimal Viable Product)

To speed things up we will give you a solution as an MVP.

Change your code to this :

# Drop your code here
turn_counter = 0
while thread_event.is_set():
    objects = take_picture_and_detect_objects()
    coordinates = find_highest_score(objects)

    if coordinates and coordinates.confidence_score > 0.5:
        print(f'''Object with highest score -> [
            confidence score: {coordinates.confidence_score},
            x upper left corner: {coordinates.x_upper_left},
            y upper left corner: {coordinates.y_upper_left},
            x lower right corner: {coordinates.x_lower_right},
            y lower right corner: {coordinates.y_lower_right},
            object class: {coordinates.object_class} ]''')

        move_x = (coordinates.x_upper_left + coordinates.x_lower_right) / 2
        print(f'move_x: {move_x}')
        if move_x < 320:

        delta = coordinates.x_lower_right - coordinates.x_upper_left
        print(f'delta: {delta}')
        if delta < 350:
            print('Done - arrived at the object')

        if turn_counter < 360:
            turn_counter = turn_counter + 10
            print('Done - no object found')


Now place a Fedora somewhere near your robot and see if it can find it.

Dev & AI Collaboration

Have look at this code. Perhaps there is something you can optimize?

Think about these points :

  • How can I align the robot towards the fedora with the coordinate information

  • How do I know when to stop the robot

  • How can I optimize the "think" and "react" phases

  • How can I handle corner cases

  • Perhaps the model should be tuned increase detection results?

Feature Freeze

While you have time to work on your solution, as in real life projects there will be a "Feature Freeze" where everyting needs to be finished. You will be given the time of the feature freeze.

Pushing your Code

Currently your code only resides in your Workspace, which is called the "Inner Loop" in Development terms. To publish and build you will need to push your code to your Git repository.

To be able to push you need to set up your git email

  • Open a new Terminal by click on the + Icon in the bottom right and choosing New Terminal

open terminal
  • enter

    git config --global ""
    git config --global "pilot"

To push your code:

  • In the Dev Spaces menu on the left click on the Git icon

  • Your modified files will be shown

  • Select the relevant files ( and

    git push
  • Right Click and select Stage Changes

  • Enter a comment in the top field

  • At the blue Commit button, click on the downwards bracket at the very right and choose Commit & Push

  • When prompted, enter you Gitea username and password

    • username: team-1

    • password : secret-password

Next Steps

Your deliverable will be Container Images for the app as well as the object detection services. The next chapter explains how to build these. Make sure you test the CI/CD build in time.